Soccer on Friday 1, December at 17:45

→ Organized by QUENTIN

Open soccer match
17:45 → 19:45


Aurelien (added by QUENTIN)
Logan (added by QUENTIN)
Delcio (added by QUENTIN)
Miguel (added by QUENTIN)
Juan (added by QUENTIN)
Claude (added by QUENTIN)
Manu (added by QUENTIN)
Guillaume (added by QUENTIN)
Michael Mazzella (added by QUENTIN)
Aladin (added by QUENTIN)
Mejdi (added by QUENTIN)
Julien (added by QUENTIN)
Nathan (added by QUENTIN)
Danial (added by QUENTIN)
Daniel (added by QUENTIN)
Collègue Mejdi (added by QUENTIN)
Mickael Maggior (added by QUENTIN)
Nicolas Removed
Romuald Removed
Logan Removed
Jeremy Removed
Fabrice Removed
Jean Removed
Logan Removed
Jovany Removed
QUENTIN Won't be there

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Nicolas

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Romuald

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Aurelien

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Logan

QUENTIN has removed the player Logan

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Jeremy

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Fabrice

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Jean

Bongianino Thomas joined the match

QUENTIN has removed the player Nicolas

QUENTIN has removed the player Romuald

QUENTIN has removed the player Jean

QUENTIN has removed the player Fabrice

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Delcio

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Miguel

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Logan

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Juan

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Claude

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Manu

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Guillaume

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Michael Mazzella

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Aladin

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Jovany

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Mejdi

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Julien

QUENTIN has removed the player Logan

QUENTIN left the match

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Nathan

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Danial

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Daniel

The organizer has edited the lineups

The organizer has edited the lineups

The organizer has edited the lineups

Robot Assistant

30/11 17:45

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

The organizer has edited the lineups

The organizer has edited the lineups

QUENTIN has removed the player Jovany

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Collègue Mejdi

QUENTIN has removed the player Jeremy

QUENTIN has blocked a spot for Mickael Maggior

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

01/12 17:45

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

01/12 19:45

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 1 December at 17:45