Soccer on Tuesday 28, May at 19:30

→ Organized by AlexMojo

Open soccer match
19:30 → 20:30
Juenr Won't be there
Vinez Won't be there
Garaig Won't be there
Heros Maybe
Alexis sans chaise Has been invited
Mouss Has been invited
AMIC Has been invited

Garaig joined the match

Hugo_ joined the match

Garaig left the match

Alexis sans chaise , Mouss, Le helley, Sabrille fort, Heros, AMIC invited players have received a reminder

Le helley joined the match

Sabrille fort joined the match

AlexMojo left the match

AlexMojo joined the match

AlexMojo cancelled the match

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

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