Soccer on Sunday 27, August at 09:00

→ Organized by Cédric

Open soccer match
09:00 → 11:00


Malek (added by Cédric )
Deby (added by Cédric )
Reda (added by Cédric )
Aziz (added by Cédric )
Syla (added by Cédric )
Hougo1804 Won't be there
MrDedou13 Won't be there
$Adel$ Won't be there
MalikD Won't be there
Abidal Won't be there
Cyril Won't be there
Deby Removed
Farouk Has been invited
Alex.b Has been invited
Jose k Has been invited
gnakpa Has been invited
Ichem Has been invited
Doudas Has been invited
Oumar13 Has been invited
Moustapha djamil Has been invited
TristanC Has been invited

Hamed joined the match

Abdel143 joined the match

Wald0 joined the match

Slim joined the match

MrDedou13 joined the match

MrDedou13 left the match


22/8 20:49

Kesta dedou tenvoi des feinte comme ça

Bilel suarez joined the match

Ben Poulpo joined the match

Cédric has blocked a spot for Malek

Cédric has blocked a spot for Deby

Cédric has blocked a spot for Reda

Elpistolero joined the match

Cédric has blocked a spot for Aziz

Robot Assistant

26/8 09:00

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Farouk, Alex.b, Cyril, Jose k, gnakpa, Marouane, Ichem, Doudas, Oumar13, Moustapha djamil, TristanC invited players have received a reminder


26/8 11:17

Cedric je vais commencer à demander à mon collègue si il vient


26/8 11:17

Il peut ramener les 4 restants

Bilel suarez

26/8 11:20

Putain c pas sérieux sa

Bilel suarez

26/8 11:20

En plus c la tempête demain


26/8 11:53

Il pleut juste demain bilel tant mieux c est pas là tempête mdr


26/8 15:46

Oh Sylla Salem arête avec t peut être bien joué au ballon


26/8 16:36

Tu me dis slim si tu as du coup


26/8 16:36

Par contre demain 9h di lui pas 10h


26/8 16:37

J’attend la réponse


26/8 16:37

Tkt je lui dirai


26/8 18:39

Toujours blesser j’espère dimanche prochain les amis


26/8 18:57

Bon rétablissement Cyril


26/8 18:58

Mon collègue il a deux collègues qui veulent venir mais ils ont pas de voiture je vois avec lui si je peut le récupérer

Bilel suarez

26/8 19:52

Alors on et 12 demain

Marouane joined the match


26/8 20:20

Les 3 manquants c est bon slim ?


26/8 20:22

Non c’est mort j’ai personne j’ai envoyé déjà le message mais il c’est pas envoyé


26/8 20:24


Bilel suarez

26/8 20:24

On et combien demain


26/8 20:30

Mdrr au moin j’ai essayé


26/8 20:33

Je cherche un on sera 14

Cédric has blocked a spot for Deby

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Bilel suarez

26/8 22:13

C qui deby


26/8 22:33

Le couz a heddy

Cédric has removed the player Deby

Cédric has blocked a spot for Syla

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


27/8 08:29

Les gars c'est bon tout le monde est présent ou pas??


27/8 08:31

Et oui feyeh


27/8 08:33

Reda il vient pas


27/8 08:34

Pas grave on étais 15


27/8 08:42

Le groupe a Teddy il sont pas nombreux il vont venir on sera bon pour jouer on s en bat les couilles de la pluie


27/8 08:44

Voilà les hommes 💪


27/8 08:49

Finalement il vient reda

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

27/8 09:00

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!


27/8 09:02

11 vs 11 ced?


27/8 09:17

Les gars on aura du retard avec reda

Robot Assistant

27/8 11:00

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

Ben Poulpo

27/8 14:03

Désolé pour le plantage les gars. Panne de réveil. Pas d’excuse valable…

Robot Assistant

28/8 09:00

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

Robot Assistant

28/8 09:00

Abdel143 Was Chosen as The Man of The Match! Applause for him everybody!

To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.

This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 27 August at 09:00