Soccer on Wednesday 15, February at 18:00

→ Organized by Sylvinho06

Open soccer match
18:00 → 19:00

Baptiste Cluzeau joined the match

TomTouv joined the match

Jeandel13 joined the match

BenjaminYAS joined the match

Teofil joined the match

Loïc malburet joined the match

Felixinho joined the match

audric pelletier, Ferran Co, Yannounou, invited players have received a reminder

Loïc malburet

14/2 13:21

Les gars 2 places restantes !!!!


14/2 18:07

On joue à 8 au pire !

Jeandel13 left the match


15/2 07:22

Putain les gars dsl mais je suis malade ptetre un covid j'espère que vous trouverez qq rapidement bon match

Baptiste Cluzeau

15/2 10:14

Ah merde récupère vite ! C'est bon les gars Thomas de yas est sûr de venir on est 8

Sylvinho06 has blocked a spot for ThomasYAS

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 15 February at 18:00