Soccer on Thursday 16, February at 18:00

→ Organized by Toto7

Open soccer match
18:00 → 19:00


Palou (added by Toto7)
Tarik (added by Toto7)
Adri (added by Toto7)
Chanz (added by Toto7)
Lulu (added by Toto7)

Waiting List

Lucas Removed
Anass771 Won't be there
Ragnar Mlulu Zidane Has been invited
Chanzinoh Has been invited

Toto7 has blocked a spot for Palou

Toto7 has blocked a spot for Lucas

Toto7 has blocked a spot for Tarik

Toto7 has blocked a spot for Adri

Slouminio joined the match

Toto7 has blocked a spot for Chanz

Qent42 joined the match

Lucaspiegay joined the match

Vexo joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Toto7 has removed the player Lucas

Toto7 has blocked a spot for Lulu

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Romain(42) joined the waiting list

Anass771 joined the waiting list

Anass771 left the waiting list


16/2 14:32

Désolé les gas ce soir c’est Rob qui me remplace bon Soocer les gros

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 16 February at 18:00