Soccer on Thursday 29, December at 18:00

→ Organized by Toto7

Open soccer match
18:00 → 19:00
Coco-221 Has been invited
nathan426 Has been invited
Maxwell Has been invited
Mich42 Has been invited
Kek’Gusto Has been invited

Toto7 has blocked a spot for Palou

Vexo joined the match

Toto7 has blocked a spot for Max maintenance

Ragnar Mlulu Zidane joined the match

Romain(42) joined the match

W. Fofana joined the match

Qent42 joined the match

Toto7 has blocked a spot for Lucas

Lucaspiegay joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


29/12 11:24

Salut les gars
J'ai un empêchement, mais j'ai trouvé Alexis pour me remplacer
Bon soccer

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 29 December at 18:00