Soccer on Tuesday 11, April at 20:00

→ Organized by Matteo Massaro Check

Open soccer match
20:00 → 21:00


Luca (added by Matteo Massaro Check)
Gabriele (added by Matteo Massaro Check)
Nicolino (added by Matteo Massaro Check)
Kevin (added by Paolo88)
Niko R9 Won't be there
Uccio Removed
Matteo Massaro Check

05/4 14:56

Proviamo MARTEDÌ, dato che lunedì è festa

Matteo Massaro Check

05/4 14:57

Campo del Gozzano da confermare

Caia joined the match

Niko R9 left the match

Paolo88 joined the match

Emidio joined the match

Matteo Massaro Check

05/4 17:51

Gozzano pieno, ho prenotato a VILLA FERRI

Matteo joined the match

Matteo Massaro Check has blocked a spot for Luca

Matteo Massaro Check has blocked a spot for Gabriele

Matteo Massaro Check has blocked a spot for Nicolino

marius joined the match

Matteo Massaro Check

11/4 12:03

Qualcuno ha il decimo?


11/4 13:02



11/4 13:02

confermato Villa Ferri?

Matteo has blocked a spot for Uccio

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


11/4 13:13

niente rettifico: Uccio non viene a Villa Ferri

Matteo has removed the player Uccio


11/4 13:18

Ho trovato io


11/4 13:19

Check puoi aggiungere?


11/4 13:26

Kevin dalla Germania

Paolo88 has blocked a spot for Kevin

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Matteo Massaro Check

11/4 13:43


Matteo Massaro Check

11/4 13:44

Mi raccomando, Villa Ferri stasera

Matteo Massaro Check

11/4 19:48

Campo 1, il primo coperto

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 11 April at 20:00