Les Footballeurs des Milles / Antoine left the match
BenoitF joined the match
Mathias D'Isanto joined the match
Stéphane L joined the match
RemyB joined the match
Nico joined the match
Didier Hentzen joined the match
Florian de Marignane joined the match
Les Footballeurs des Milles / Gibaud EDF joined the match
Jean joined the match
Django34 joined the match
Robinho joined the match
Moussa B joined the match
SamyB joined the match
Franck.colonna joined the match
Brian84 joined the match
JeromeN joined the match
The match is full : a waiting list is now available
Arthur CERISIER left the waiting list
Julien Barthes, Le Nico, YannV, Jay Jay les Cheveux Gris, Pierre SEGUIN, Kévin Bauer , Aladin D, Lucho977, Morgan B, Laurent Casquette Rouge, Pierre-Jean, Kirito, Luchacho invited players have received a reminder
Sentino joined the waiting list
Sentino automatically added to the match from the waiting list
27/2 15:08
27/2 15:09
27/2 16:52
27/2 18:09
27/2 21:01
27/2 21:02
28/2 09:59
28/2 10:12
28/2 12:00
28/2 12:15
28/2 13:35
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