Where to play soccer with Footinho?

18 Boulevard Frédéric Sauvage
14 Matches played on this field
Marseille 0 games
18 Rue Marie Curie
41 Matches played on this field
Loire-Atlantique 0 games
187 Route de Saint-Leu
1 Matches played on this field
Seine-Saint-Denis 0 games
18th arrondissement of Paris
2 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
19 Avenue de la Marne
4 Matches played on this field
Nice 0 games
190 Rue de Bellevue
1 Matches played on this field
Colombes 0 games
1939 East Easter Avenue
2 Matches played on this field
Centennial 0 games
197 Rue des Landes
1 Matches played on this field
Chatou 0 games
2 Avenue Simone Veil
2 Matches played on this field
Décines-Charpieu 0 games
2 Boulevard Aristide Briand
0 Matches played on this field
Hauts-de-Seine 0 games
2 Chemin du Moulin Carron
1 Matches played on this field
Dardilly 0 games
2 Rue Japy
0 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
2 Rue Louis Armand
3 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
2 Rue Louis Armand
0 Matches played on this field
Asnières-sur-Seine 0 games
20 Avenue de la Liberté
3 Matches played on this field
Maisons-Alfort 0 games
2025 Rue Adjutor Rivard
123 Matches played on this field
Québec City 0 games
207 Humber College Blvd
17 Matches played on this field
Toronto 0 games
215 Rue d'Aubervilliers
3 Matches played on this field
Département de Paris 0 games
22 Rue Jules Guesde
6 Matches played on this field
Rosny-sous-Bois 0 games
2233 South Millway
2 Matches played on this field
Mississauga 0 games
23 Avenue du Docteur Raymond Picaud
0 Matches played on this field
Cannes 0 games
25 Avenue du Maréchal Franchet d'Esperey
0 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
25 Rue Sadi Carnot
2 Matches played on this field
Aubervilliers 0 games
251 Boulevard Pereire
1 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
26 Rte de Portet
1 Matches played on this field
Haute-Garonne 0 games
26 Rue Hélène et François Missoffe
2 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
27 Rue Marguerite
0 Matches played on this field
Neuilly-Plaisance 0 games
279 Avenue de Fabron
0 Matches played on this field
Nice 0 games
28 Rue du Ballon
1 Matches played on this field
Noisy-le-Grand 0 games
282 Av. Laurent Cély
4 Matches played on this field
Gennevilliers 0 games
29 Rue Santos Dumont
2 Matches played on this field
Nantes 0 games
3 Av. du Bois de l'Épine
0 Matches played on this field
Évry-Courcouronnes 0 games
3 Avenue de Grétry
1 Matches played on this field
Maisons-Laffitte 0 games
3 Impasse du Bourrelier
1 Matches played on this field
Saint-Herblain 0 games
3 Rue de Pissardant
1 Matches played on this field
Deux-Sèvres 0 games
3 Rue Edison
1 Matches played on this field
Pontivy 0 games
310 Rue de Clermont
7 Matches played on this field
Breuil-le-Sec 0 games
3135 Unity Drive
3 Matches played on this field
Mississauga 0 games
3143 Avenue Albert Einstein
8 Matches played on this field
Montpellier 0 games
33 Avenue des Dames Blanches
1 Matches played on this field
Antibes 0 games
33 Rue Ernest Renan
1 Matches played on this field
Rhône 0 games
33000 Bordeaux
2 Matches played on this field
Bordeaux 0 games
34 Rue Baudricourt
1 Matches played on this field
Département de Paris 0 games
3413 Wolfedale Rd
5 Matches played on this field
Mississauga 0 games
3413 Wolfedale Rd unit 15
4 Matches played on this field
Mississauga 0 games
346 Chemin de Crémat
1 Matches played on this field
Alpes-Maritimes 0 games
35 Rue de Chevannes
1 Matches played on this field
Ballancourt-sur-Essonne 0 games
35 Rue du Manoir de Servigné
7 Matches played on this field
Ille-et-Vilaine 0 games
36 Rue Mstislav Rostropovitch
1 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
38 Rue d'Alsace
0 Matches played on this field
Levallois-Perret 0 games

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