Where to play soccer with Footinho?

Pavilhão Casa Do Pessoal Da SECIL
1 Matches played on this field
Setúbal 0 games
Pavilhão de Torrados
71 Matches played on this field
Torrados 1 games
Pavilhão Rio Tinto - Indoorplus
1 Matches played on this field
Porto 0 games
62 Matches played on this field
Pedrouços 1 games
Peffermill Playing Fields
1 Matches played on this field
Edinburgh 0 games
Penistone Grammar School
2 Matches played on this field
Penistone 0 games
Penne sur huveaune
1 Matches played on this field
Aubagne 0 games
1 Matches played on this field
Pereira 0 games
10 Matches played on this field
Perpignan 0 games
1 Matches played on this field
Perth 0 games
2 Matches played on this field
Pertuis 0 games
4 Matches played on this field
Pertuis 0 games
8 Matches played on this field
Pessac 0 games
Petit soccer
2 Matches played on this field
Epone 0 games
4 Matches played on this field
Peymeinade 0 games
9 Matches played on this field
Peypin 0 games
47 Matches played on this field
Peyrolles-en-Provence 0 games
Phoenix Park
4 Matches played on this field
0 games
Piazza di Robilant Carlo Generale
1 Matches played on this field
Torino 0 games
Pierre Bresson
1 Matches played on this field
Verbiesles 0 games
1 Matches played on this field
Pierrefitte-sur-Seine 0 games
1 Matches played on this field
PD 0 games
Pitch #6
1 Matches played on this field
Newcastle upon Tyne 0 games
Place de la Porte de Champerret
1 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
Place des Sévines
1 Matches played on this field
Gennevilliers 0 games
Plage de l’éventail
1 Matches played on this field
Saint-Malo 0 games
Plage du Mourillon
2 Matches played on this field
Toulon 0 games
Plage Prado
4 Matches played on this field
Marseille 0 games
Plages du Prado
1 Matches played on this field
Marseille 0 games
1 Matches played on this field
Plailly 0 games
Plaine de jeux de Bagatelle
14 Matches played on this field
Neuilly-sur-Seine 0 games
Plaine de Jeux de Bagatelle
5 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
Plaine de Jeux de Bréquigny
1 Matches played on this field
Rennes 0 games
Plaine de jeux du Polygone
1 Matches played on this field
Vincennes 0 games
Plaine de jeux Gerland
6 Matches played on this field
Lyon 0 games
Plaine de Jeux Polygone
2 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
Plaine de jeux polygone
11 Matches played on this field
Vincennes 0 games
Plaine des jeux de Gerland
34 Matches played on this field
Lyon 0 games
Plaine des jeux de Longwy
1 Matches played on this field
Longwy 0 games
Plaine des sports et de loisirs - Citadelle de Lille
4 Matches played on this field
Lille 0 games
Plaine des sports Monadey - Université de Bordeaux
2 Matches played on this field
Talence 0 games
0 Matches played on this field
Plaisance-du-Touch 0 games
2 Matches played on this field
Plaisir 0 games
Plan de Campagne
1 Matches played on this field
Bouches-du-Rhône 0 games
Plan de Campagne
18 Matches played on this field
Cabriès 0 games
Planet Ball - Rua Professor Cristiano Fischer - Jardim Botâ
1 Matches played on this field
Porto Alegre 0 games
Planet Ball Locação de Mini Campo e Gramado Sintético - R
1 Matches played on this field
São Vicente 0 games
0 Matches played on this field
Lezennes 0 games
0 Matches played on this field
Fruit Cove 0 games
Plateau d'evolution de Proximite Boulevard des Allies
1 Matches played on this field
Joinville-le-Pont 0 games

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