Football on Thursday 19, September at 20:00

→ Organized by Michel Darda

Open football match
20:00 → 22:00
Romain Darda Won't be there
Ibrahima Won't be there
Phi137 Won't be there
Remy Brunier Won't be there
Christophe 13180 Won't be there
Mehdi Removed
Nassim Removed
Jilou Removed
Christopher Removed
BriceM Won't be there
Souphien Won't be there
Yassir Won't be there
Valentin Darda Has been invited
TheV Has been invited
Jack Attack Has been invited
Nicolas D. Has been invited
Yannick Casanova Has been invited
Quilez julien Has been invited
SYLVESTRE Guillaume Has been invited
viancito Has been invited
Valère Has been invited
Kiril Has been invited
Fky Has been invited
BenjaminB Has been invited
Jeremy Cuvelier Has been invited
Julien Goiran Has been invited
Delgrande Has been invited
Pedro Dinis Has been invited
Michel fana Has been invited
Flo Has been invited
Briçou13180 Has been invited
Juju dingo Has been invited
Beuleuche Has been invited
Renaud PELOURSON Has been invited
Boinayou Has been invited
Nicolas Valazza Has been invited
Gasparito Has been invited
Laporte13 Has been invited
Haroun Has been invited
Felix K. Has been invited
Julien 🥅⚽️ 👟 Has been invited
ThomasM Has been invited
Saïd C. Has been invited

Romain Darda joined the match

Michel Darda

14/9 09:14

Pensez à régler la cotisation svp (70 €) et m’envoyer un sms lorsque c’est fait.
Cf messages du match du 12/09.

Thib Moneyron joined the match

Romain Darda left the match

BriceM joined the match

BriceM joined the match

Charles joined the match

Yassir joined the match

Yassir has blocked a spot for Mehdi

Yassir has blocked a spot for Nassim

Yassir has blocked a spot for Jilou

Damien Le joined the match

Ben ben ben joined the match

Damien Le left the match

Damien Le joined the match

Damien Le has blocked a spot for Ibrahim

Brian84 joined the match

Brian84 has blocked a spot for Thibaut

Brian84 has blocked a spot for Christopher

Brian84 has removed the player Christopher

Thomas joined the match

Michel Darda

18/9 15:38

Pensez à faire le virement à l’ASM.
Cf les messages du match de la semaine passée. A+

Michel Darda

18/9 15:39

Et m’envoyer un sms lorsque c’est fait (avec votre date de naissance)

Kadd joined the match

Kadd has blocked a spot for YassineK

Floro Thomas joined the match

Mayeul joined the match

Robot Assistant

18/9 20:00

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Yannick Casanova joined the match

Savini joined the match

BriceM left the match

Boussard sebastien joined the match

Nico joined the match

Zach2305 joined the match

Florent joined the match

Michel Darda

19/9 10:58

On est nombreux ce soir. Je vous rappelle qu’il faut payer la cotisation annuelle de 70 euros

Yassir left the match

Yassir has removed the player Mehdi

Yassir has removed the player Nassim

Yassir has removed the player Jilou

Hugo joined the match


19/9 13:06

Salut Michel, concernant la cotisation annuelle comment doit-on la payer, si c’est en chèque à quel ordre ?

Thib Moneyron

19/9 13:21

Hello vous avez les infos sur le dernier match : RiB et Portable du dirigeant du club. Nom du club : Avenir Sportif Meyrarguais


19/9 13:58

Merci beaucoup

Julien joined the match

Boussard sebastien

19/9 15:43

Faire un virement de 70 euros à l’Avenir Sportif Meyrarguais
IBAN : FR76 1130 6000 8410 5011 2605 013
Motif : Loisir jeudi
Lorsque c’est fait, envoyer un sms au 0619284513 avec votre nom, prénom, date de naissance et surnom footinho

Boussard sebastien

19/9 15:44

j'ai remis le message au cas où.


19/9 16:42

Hello juste une petite question . J’ai déjà une licence je peux quand même en faire une autre avec vous ou pas ?

YassPewPew joined the match

Boussard sebastien

19/9 17:24

Je crois que oui car on ne fait pas de championnat. A confirmer quand même.


19/9 17:34

Ca marche merci 👍

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