Football on Thursday 11, July at 20:00

→ Organized by Michel Darda

Open football match
20:00 → 22:00
Boussard sebastien Won't be there
Yannick Casanova Won't be there
Fky Won't be there
Charles Won't be there
Florent Won't be there
Valentin Darda Has been invited
TheV Has been invited
Jack Attack Has been invited
Nico Has been invited
Quilez julien Has been invited
SYLVESTRE Guillaume Has been invited
Floro Thomas Has been invited
viancito Has been invited
Remy Brunier Has been invited
Julien Has been invited
Valère Has been invited
Kiril Has been invited
BenjaminB Has been invited
Yutwing Emeric Has been invited
Jeremy Cuvelier Has been invited
Julien Goiran Has been invited
Hugo Has been invited
PAT Has been invited
Pedro Dinis Has been invited
Michel fana Has been invited
YassPewPew Has been invited
Flo Has been invited
Eliot H. Has been invited
Briçou13180 Has been invited
Beuleuche Has been invited
Renaud PELOURSON Has been invited
Boinayou Has been invited
David Has been invited
Nicolas Valazza Has been invited
Maxence berne Has been invited
Laporte13 Has been invited
Felix K. Has been invited
Haroun Has been invited
Ibrahima Has been invited
Kadd Has been invited

Romain Darda joined the match

Saïd C. joined the match

Saïd C. joined the match

Fky joined the match

Mayeul joined the match

Michel Darda

09/7 17:55

Bon, inscrivez vous, activez vos contacts, il faut jouer jeudi….

Thib Moneyron joined the match

Robot Assistant

10/7 20:00

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Zach2305 joined the match

Thomas joined the match

Yassir joined the match

Juju dingo joined the match

Fky left the match

Delgrande joined the match

Gasparito joined the match

Juju dingo

11/7 14:55

J'ai un collègue de chaud 😁

Juju dingo has blocked a spot for Collègue julien


11/7 15:38

Yes, c'est cool!

Juju dingo

11/7 15:56

Et un 2e on vient a 3 du coup ça évite que ma caisse nous lâche a nouveau 😂😂

Juju dingo has blocked a spot for 2 collègue Juju

Thib Moneyron

11/7 15:57


Christophe 13180

11/7 16:02

Comme ça tu auras 2 amis pour te pousser 😂

Nicolas D. joined the match

Christophe 13180 joined the match

Christophe 13180 has blocked a spot for +1 ju

Christophe 13180 has blocked a spot for +1 maxime

Juju dingo

11/7 18:42


Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

11/7 20:00

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

11/7 22:00

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 11 July at 20:00