Soccer on Tuesday 28, February at 20:45

→ Organized by Driss

Open soccer match
20:45 → 21:55


Gwen35 Won't be there
Driss Won't be there
Cherel Won't be there

Gwen35 joined the match

Billy joined the match


25/2 22:04

Hello pouvez vous ajouter un joueur en plus alex


25/2 23:45


Driss has blocked a spot for Alex

Gwen35 left the match

Cherel joined the match

J_bobin joined the match

Elias joined the match

Yanis joined the match


27/2 10:28

Salut les gars je sera pas la mais je vais pas annule le matche mais je vous laisse les organisations ?

Driss left the match

Cherel left the match

Driss cancelled the match

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

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