Soccer on Monday 30, January at 21:30

→ Organized by BrunoHbk

Open soccer match
21:30 → 23:00


Mamo (added by BrunoHbk)
Puccio (added by BrunoHbk)
Carlo (added by BrunoHbk)
Bello (added by BrunoHbk)
enzo (added by BrunoHbk)
Gio (added by BrunoHbk)
Garba (added by BrunoHbk)
Delli (added by BrunoHbk)
Antonio cc (added by BrunoHbk)
Marco punta (added by BrunoHbk)
Thomas (added by BrunoHbk)
Missi Removed
Stefano G Won't be there
Fra. Delli Has been invited
Missi Has been invited

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for Missi

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for Mamo

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for Puccio

Philippo joined the match

Luca Portiere joined the match

Luca Portiere joined the match

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for Carlo

Beppe joined the match

Beppe joined the match

Andrea Ciancio joined the match

Andrea Ciancio joined the match

Nicola D.B joined the match

Nicola D.B joined the match

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for Bello

Molla joined the match

Molla joined the match

Stefano G left the match

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for enzo

Marco joined the match

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for Gio

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for Garba

Paolo M joined the match

Paolo M joined the match

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for Delli

Muri joined the match

BrunoHbk has removed the player Missi

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for Antonio cc

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for Marco punta

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for Thomas

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 30 January at 21:30