Soccer on Friday 23, December at 21:00

→ Organized by Marnet

Open soccer match
21:00 → 22:00
Nolan Removed
Yasser m Won't be there
VinceV Removed
Sashamnz83 Won't be there
Leo Won't be there
Mathias Won't be there
Guillerminho Won't be there
Thibautt Won't be there
Ch’nicky Has been invited
Toto_eldiablo Has been invited
Charles_lgrs Has been invited
Jordan Has been invited
Chris # Has been invited
Axel Has been invited
Yann Has been invited
Magnier Has been invited
Vincent Lebeau Has been invited
Mathias83500 Has been invited
Pointu Gauche Has been invited
VincentB Has been invited
Samuelinho Has been invited
Benjinho Has been invited

Marnet has blocked a spot for Nolan

Ju de coco joined the match

VinceV joined the match

Efix joined the match

Anthony Roux joined the match

Steve Curo joined the match

Leo joined the match

Sashamnz83 joined the match

Pit83 joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

The organizer has edited the lineups


21/12 19:25

Salut les gars, petit message pour prévenir à l’avance, il n’y aura pas de 6x6 ici c est 10 et seulement 10. À vendredi ;)

The organizer has edited the lineups

Sashamnz83 left the match


23/12 14:35

Il manque un joueur?


23/12 14:41

Salut, j’me suis légèrement blessé hier au match je ne pourrai pas être présent… désolé j’essayais de voir si ça passait mais non ça va être trop juste

Leo left the match


23/12 14:56

Manque 2 joueurs ducoup

JULIAN joined the match

Pit83 has blocked a spot for Clementinho

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


23/12 15:37



23/12 15:44



23/12 17:36

Nolan c est fait mal au boulot. Manque 1 joueur ..

Marnet has removed the player Nolan

Ju de coco

23/12 18:39

Je vais inviter mes joueurs

Ju de coco

23/12 18:39

Sur ta liste

Ju de coco

23/12 18:42

Tu as ton lien d’invitation stp je sais pas si je vais savoir faire mais je vais essayer merci

Ju de coco

23/12 18:43



23/12 18:48

Je crois que c est ça

Ju de coco

23/12 19:52

oui parfait j'ai mis le lien sur les 2 autres matchs mais bon... t'avais mis une liste d'attente pour ce soir ?


23/12 19:54

Oui mais personne


23/12 20:06

Je viens de tomber en panne c’est compromis pour moi j’attends le dépanneur


23/12 20:07



23/12 20:08

Bon courage


23/12 20:08

On fait 4x4 tans pis

VinceV has been removed from the players

Kick-off : match is starting

Steve Curo

23/12 21:04

Vous êtes où les gars ?

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 23 December at 21:00