Soccer on Thursday 17, August at 21:00

→ Organized by Yanpac

Open soccer match
21:00 → 22:00


Alex (added by Adrian11)
Marco (added by Adrian11)
Luis Miguel (added by Adrian11)

15/8 18:51

Salut ! J'ai des potes potentiellement intéressés mais c'est 5vs5 ?

Adrian11 joined the match

The match is full

Adrian11 has blocked a spot for Alex

The match is full

Adrian11 has blocked a spot for Marco

The match is full

Adrian11 has blocked a spot for Luis Miguel

The match is full


15/8 18:59

J'ai un autre pote mais il faut que tu actualises le numero de joueurs pour l'ajouter ;)


15/8 19:05

Bonjour, oui c'est 5 vs 5 ! 0760907840 , tu peux m'appeler que je revois l'organisation

Yanpac cancelled the match

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