Soccer on Thursday 30, March at 20:25

→ Organized by antoine

Open soccer match
20:25 → 21:55
Gu Removed
Booba Removed
Tuco11 Won't be there
Florent Won't be there

antoine has blocked a spot for Clem

Jeremy joined the match

HParis joined the match

Dero joined the match

Clem joined the match

kali joined the match

kali has blocked a spot for Gu

Tuco11 joined the match

Tuco11 has blocked a spot for Booba

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Thibaut35 joined the waiting list

Florent joined the waiting list

Thibaut35 automatically added to the match from the waiting list

kali has removed the player Gu


30/3 10:55

Tout le monde est là ce soir les gars ?


30/3 10:56

J'ai un collègue qui est chaud bouillant !Tkt Thibault c'est un autre gars !


30/3 10:57

Oui tu payes ma place ? 🤪


30/3 10:57



30/3 10:57

Oui j’ai repassé le maillot de Giroud, je suis prêt haha


30/3 10:58

Mdr Thibault


30/3 11:00

Et Jerem, j'ai envie de te dire..HP ou moi on paie ta place 1 semaine sur 2, à un moment les mecs c'est bon !!!


30/3 11:00

Ah ah


30/3 11:00

Je paie toujours en arrivant avant le match comme ça je pars tranquille


30/3 11:00

Désolé les gars , imprévu de dernière minute , je pourrai pas être présent.


30/3 11:00

On sait que c'est toi qui passes par la porte de derrière au niveau du pádel...

Florent automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Tuco11 has removed the player Booba

Tuco11 left the match


30/3 11:02

Ok laisse ton nom, mon pote viendra directement te remplacer

kali has blocked a spot for Mounim

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Fabianski joined the waiting list


30/3 18:06

Je peux si besoin !


30/3 19:25

Rdv 20h25 les gar


30/3 19:32

Merci Antoine pour ton précieux commentaire hebdomadaire !


30/3 19:33


Kick-off : match is starting

Fabianski automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Florent left the match

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 30 March at 20:25