Soccer on Saturday 13, May at 12:00

→ Organized by Capucine

Open soccer match
12:00 → 13:15
Marouaneunited Won't be there
Guillaume Won't be there
Alex92 Won't be there
Fiden Won't be there
Mika Won't be there
Harold Canchari Has been invited
Mickaël Has been invited
Nacer29 Has been invited
Z Has been invited
Bel Kacem Has been invited
Ayman_CM Has been invited
Alfred Rabany Has been invited
HARMOUCHE Samy Has been invited
Carlos Oliveira Has been invited
gauvfjk Has been invited
Eduardo Magno Has been invited
Habiballah Has been invited
Salif Has been invited
Zeus Has been invited
Youssef Has been invited
Nagui Has been invited
C.Safouen Has been invited
Othman92 Has been invited
bilal94 Has been invited

ABDELKBIR joined the match

Wadii joined the match

Vlad joined the match

Benjos2 joined the match

Fiden joined the match

Hassan joined the match

Mehdi06000 joined the match

SALEM BEN AMMAR joined the match


11/5 11:02

Dommage, je joue ailleurs ce samedi Capucine. ptêtre une autre fois.
Merci pour l'invitation du coup

Jeffrey Annert joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


12/5 14:47

Yes avec plaisir pour une autre fois Ayman ☺️
Ils annoncent du soleil demain les gars ☀️ on y croit !!


12/5 15:05

Goood parfait

vixay joined the waiting list


13/5 07:35

Bonjour, si y a quelqu'un qui se désiste je est-ce qu'il pourra me prévenir avant 10h30? Merci.

vixay automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Fiden left the match


13/5 09:30

Désolé Capucine j'ai trop de boulot.
Bon match à tous


13/5 11:57

Tkt Fiden ! Vixay tu viens ?
Je serai là à 12h10

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Saturday 13 May at 12:00