Soccer on Wednesday 19, April at 17:00

→ Organized by Funkystar

Open soccer match
17:00 → 18:00
Yvandms Won't be there
Guichh Won't be there
Zubar cafewCarvajal Won't be there
Steph30660 Won't be there
amaurysanchez30 Won't be there
Eliesinho Won't be there
Bernardo Sylvain Won't be there
Thomas932 Won't be there
Kinou30 Has been invited
Martcog Has been invited
Jones Has been invited
Jeeeeep Has been invited

amaurysanchez30 joined the match

Guillaume FRZ joined the match

Chatzonek joined the match


13/4 17:16

Ok merci pr l info

Thomas932 joined the match


16/4 14:24

Salut les gars pas de salle dispo mercredi a codognan donc je vous propose d aller au terrain de st christol ou de reporter à la semaine prochaine


16/4 15:05

+ chaud de reporter prc y’a moyen que j’sois pas là mercredi finalement

Kinou30, Chris97, Steph30660, Martcog, Bernardo Sylvain , Eliesinho, Zubar cafewCarvajal , Guichh, Jones, Jeeeeep invited players have received a reminder

Chris97 joined the match


16/4 20:28

Enlève toi de la liste quand tu saura que tu ' est pas dispo

amaurysanchez30 left the match


17/4 07:27

Un collègue est chaud pour le match vous me dites si cbn


17/4 10:07

Annulation du match pour cette semaine faute de joueurs


17/4 18:31

Légats quelqu’un aurait le numéro de Jeremy urgent svp


17/4 19:24

Tu le veux ?


17/4 19:25

06 22 50 56 85

Thomas932 left the match


17/4 23:47

T’assure merci

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 19 April at 17:00