Soccer on Tuesday 27, February at 20:30

→ Organized by Mounirho

Open soccer match
20:30 → 22:00

InGhazy joined the match

InGhazy joined the match

Haythemjb joined the match

Haythemjb joined the match

ElyesBS joined the match

ElyesBS joined the match

Nordine. joined the match

Malek85 joined the match

ZIED joined the match

ZIED joined the match

Aymen* joined the match

Robot Assistant

26/2 20:30

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Musti joined the match

Anisb joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


27/2 08:43

Bonjour tout le monde. On est complet. Je vais réserver. Pour les nouveaux (Musti et AnisB) merci de confirmer votre présence.


27/2 09:01

Moi chui présent


27/2 10:47

Finalement malheureusement pas de terrain dispo. Hier il y en avait 3. Ils sont tous pris. Je vais devoir annuler le match. A la prochaine.

Mounirho cancelled the match


27/2 11:03

Dommage t'aurais du réserver même si yavais pas grand monde t'aura annulé


27/2 11:03

A la prochaine

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