Football on Friday 6, January at 20:00

→ Organized by Sacko

Open football match
20:00 → 21:30

Lukasz Ziolkowski joined the match

Tanter joined the match

Tanter joined the match

Pat joined the match

Le Bozec Marc joined the match

Grzegorz joined the match

Grzegorz joined the match

Martin Chabal joined the match

Martin Chabal joined the match

Chti franck joined the match

Allen@ joined the match

Allen@ left the match

Sacko has blocked a spot for Lukasz M

Stan joined the match

Sacko has blocked a spot for Marin

Martin Chabal left the match

Martin Chabal joined the match

Sacko has blocked a spot for Wojtek

Sacko has blocked a spot for Paty

Sacko has blocked a spot for Stephan newph

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 6 January at 20:00