Football on Thursday 1, June at 14:30

→ Organized by Mathieu L

Open football match
14:30 → 16:00


Nelson (added by Paille )
Joris (added by Paille )
Valentin (added by Mathieu L)
Rachid (added by Eddy Matmanivong)
JEROME Won't be there
Starf Won't be there
NOBLET Fabien Won't be there
Valou vaudaux-ruth Has been invited
Alex1409 Has been invited
Benjrondins Has been invited
Leroy Has been invited
Guebinho Has been invited
Mick2106 Has been invited
Mathieu L

31/5 20:24

Nikel paille ta sur lol


31/5 20:32

T'inquiètes ? on va y arriver

Eddy Matmanivong

01/6 11:22

Salut les gars, cest tt bon. A tte

Mathieu L

01/6 11:23

Nikel eddy ?


01/6 12:41

Au top. À toute.

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 1 June at 14:30