Football on Sunday 15, January at 10:00

→ Organized by Duquartier

Open football match
10:00 → 11:00

RicoLaNezo ou RicoLeCiseaux joined the match

Le bordelais 33 joined the match

Tonton le salson joined the match

Logz joined the match

Younis la malice joined the match

Duckynho pour les intimes joined the match

Le bordelais 33 has blocked a spot for Jerem

Kev la mentale joined the match

Tohess joined the match

The match is full

The organizer has edited the lineups


15/1 09:04

Bande de pute

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 15 January at 10:00