→ Organized by Driss
Gaelinho joined the match
23/2 17:50
The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?
Uo joined the match
Tounso joined the match
Vino_Drogba joined the match
Gaelinho left the match
Sabri mo joined the match
24/2 12:14
Les gars a 14h si on est pas 10 je vas décaler a 21h
24/2 13:55
Ok boss
Uo left the match
Talien joined the match
Jouan has blocked a spot for Tomy
Jouan joined the match
Jouan has blocked a spot for Camille
24/2 18:18
T’a pas changer la date alhbib ?
24/2 18:19
Ah c’est bon j’ai rien dit hhh je viens de voir
Driss has blocked a spot for 9
Driss has blocked a spot for 10
The match is full : a waiting list is now available
Driss has removed the player 10
Talien left the match
Driss has removed the player 9
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This is a public football match open to all. You can join it and invite your friends.
23/2 17:50
24/2 12:14
24/2 13:55
24/2 18:18
24/2 18:18
24/2 18:19
To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.