Football on Friday 2, August at 19:15

→ Organized by Rémi

Open football match
19:15 → 20:15

Waiting List

DJi Won't be there
Jnr2quoiii Won't be there
Linley Won't be there
Desclos ludovic Won't be there
Gwenole Won't be there
Ppiieerree Won't be there
kali Won't be there
Alexandre Ganachaud Won't be there
Zlouiszz Won't be there
Thomazoné Won't be there
Quentin Monnier Won't be there
Adrien Roussel Won't be there
Julien W Won't be there
Teddylc Won't be there
Fan fly 53 Won't be there
Santi Has been invited
Nass Has been invited
Amine Has been invited
Talien Has been invited
Ericinho Has been invited
Corentin GUILCHER Has been invited
Seb Has been invited
Maxence12698 Has been invited
Carlosinho Has been invited
Gaelinho Has been invited
Axelkey Has been invited
Morgan Katarn Has been invited
Clem Reuss Has been invited
EVEILLARD Has been invited
Garreau Has been invited
LoïcCc Has been invited
Etienne Has been invited
Greg35 Has been invited
Brian 352 Has been invited
Eli35 Has been invited
chino22 Has been invited
Tosh Has been invited
GALAI Has been invited
Amadou Has been invited
Nolane Has been invited
Nico Castelhano Has been invited
Thibaut35 Has been invited
Nicolas Has been invited
Victor_br’ Has been invited
Loïc Ctx Has been invited
Massin Has been invited
Tigermic35 Has been invited
Blin Has been invited
Sebastiano Has been invited
HParis Has been invited
Gvel Has been invited
Erwan56 Has been invited
Maximilien7 Has been invited
Dhia Has been invited
Coraline Adam Has been invited
Mouazé Has been invited
Nicolas Chtl Has been invited
Colins Has been invited
Rogers Has been invited
Mathieu Person Has been invited

Julien Bel joined the match

Pascal joined the match

Quentin joined the match

Arno joined the match

OM joined the match

Zlouiszz joined the match

Teddylc joined the match

Rémi has blocked a spot for Téo

El-N RZK joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


29/7 23:59

Résa effectué👍

Julien Bel

30/7 10:12


Julien Bel

30/7 15:25

Salut les gars. Il nous manque un joueur pour ce soir, 20h15-21h45. Ça dit à quelqu’un ?


30/7 15:36

Pas pour moi.
Mais merci

Arnaud JACQUOT joined the waiting list

Uo joined the waiting list

Uo joined the waiting list

Uo left the waiting list

Uo joined the waiting list

Arnaud JACQUOT automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Fan fly 53 joined the waiting list

Invited players have been notified


02/8 14:59

Salut les gars est ce que quelqu’un peut me remplacer pour ce soir j’ai un petit imprévu ?
Si personne ne peut je viendrais

Uo automatically added to the match from the waiting list


02/8 15:39

Je peux moi si tu veux


02/8 15:40

Ah Bh non j’avais pas vue sa ma rajouter déjà

Fan fly 53 left the waiting list

Bibi joined the waiting list


02/8 16:49

C’est à quelle nom la resa ?

Julien Bel

02/8 16:51

Salut les gars. Tout le monde confirme pour ce soir ?


02/8 16:54

Les gars si il y’a désistement dites mtn que je vienne


02/8 16:57

Il y en a un il a dis qu’il avait un imprévu mais il est encore dans le match


02/8 17:14

Me dites pas à 19 h sa sera trop juste


02/8 17:52

moi tjs motivé


02/8 18:00

Je serai présent 👍


02/8 18:16

Bibi tu peux venir le mec vient pas il me l’a dis en pv


02/8 18:21

Présent 👍


02/8 18:22

Teddylinc il est pas la les gars il manque un mec


02/8 18:23

A mon eft c bon


02/8 18:37



02/8 18:43


Julien Bel

02/8 19:02


Julien Bel

02/8 19:05

C’est bon on est 10

Julien Bel

02/8 19:06

Nous on en route en tout cas

Julien Bel

02/8 19:06


Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

02/8 19:15

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

02/8 20:15

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open


02/8 23:44

Je reviens au news Téo = double entorse + ligament arrêt de 3 semaines avec une botte


02/8 23:46

Merci pr les news ! Juste 3 semaines d'arret ?


03/8 01:19

J'espère qu'il se remettra bien de son entorse et qu'il reviendra jouer avec ses bottes


03/8 07:17

Bon rétablissement à toi .repose toi bien

Julien Bel

03/8 08:34

Bon rétablissement Téo

Robot Assistant

03/8 18:15

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

Robot Assistant

03/8 18:15

Téo Was Chosen as The Man of The Match! Applause for him everybody!

To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.

This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 2 August at 19:15