Football on Monday 15, July at 20:30

→ Organized by Driss

Open football match
20:30 → 22:00
Massin Won't be there
DJi Removed
Banctel Has been invited
Aliinho Has been invited
Jocelyn Has been invited
SimFMB Has been invited
PaulOM13 Has been invited
Gvel Has been invited
RG Brasil Has been invited
Gaëtan Has been invited
Colins Has been invited
Kemptreez Has been invited
Santi Has been invited
Grandé jugador Has been invited
Alexis Carreau Has been invited
Tom Has been invited
Adrien Gautier Has been invited
Tarek Has been invited
Uo Has been invited
PaulCX Has been invited
Rogers Has been invited
Gaelinho Has been invited
Desclos ludovic Has been invited
Quentin Monnier Has been invited
Mouazé Has been invited
Etienne Has been invited
Constant111 Has been invited
Corbillé Has been invited
Valentin dubois Has been invited
ColinGl Has been invited
Amr7 Has been invited
Dimas Has been invited
Hbrt Has been invited
PedroJR Has been invited
Dimé Has been invited
Vinsyl45 Has been invited
Antho35 Has been invited
Anderson Has been invited
Rams Has been invited
Chle Has been invited
Tobias Has been invited
Marceau Levasseur Has been invited
Mathieu Person Has been invited
matdes Has been invited
Sebastiano Has been invited
Tosh Has been invited

DJi joined the match

Tanguy Lrx joined the match

Flo Roazhon joined the match

Eli35 joined the match

Eli35 has blocked a spot for Pote Eli

Robot Assistant

14/7 21:00

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

HParis joined the match

kali joined the match


15/7 15:23

Hello tout le monde, on vient de s’inscrire avec @Kali.


15/7 15:24

Toux ceux qui étaient inscris avant pouvez vous svp confirmer votre présence ? Comme ça non sera sûr qu’il ne manque vraiment que 2 joueurs.

Bibi joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Bibi has blocked a spot for Momo

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

DJi left the match

DJi joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


15/7 15:40

Slt nous 2 c’est confirmé ✅


15/7 15:41

Salut les gars j'attends la confirmation de tout le monde pour réserver merci 👍🏼

Tanguy Lrx

15/7 15:43

Salut les gars moi c’est bon


15/7 15:44

Slm Driss si c’est bon pour tous le monde tu veut pas prendre plus tôt ? Genre 20h

Flo Roazhon

15/7 15:51

Bon pour nous

Flo Roazhon

15/7 15:52

Moi *


15/7 15:52

20h30 si tout le monde est d'accord ouii

Tanguy Lrx

15/7 15:53

20h 30 ça me va


15/7 15:55

Vasi nous 2 c’est bon 20:30


15/7 15:55

Ok pour 20h30


15/7 15:58

Dji on attend ta confirmation


15/7 15:58

Par contre manque confirmation Eli35 et son poto

Flo Roazhon

15/7 15:59



15/7 15:59

@Kali ok pour toi 20h30 ?


15/7 16:35

Ok 20:30 !!

Yanis joined the waiting list


15/7 17:01

Je suis op si il manque un joueur !!


15/7 17:32

Toujours pas de confirmation de Eli35 et son poto ?


15/7 17:49

Non tjr pas et Dji


15/7 17:55

Je viens d’avoir Eli35 et son poto au tel ils sont ok pour 20h30


15/7 17:58



15/7 17:58

Et Dji personne a son numéro ?


15/7 18:13

J’ai pas son num non

Flo Roazhon

15/7 18:33

Du coup le terrain est réservé pour 20h30 ?


15/7 18:36

Ouii mais on fait comment si Dji repond pas

Tanguy Lrx

15/7 18:38

Faut que le joueur sur liste d’attendre vienne non ? Ça se fait au pire un 6 contre 5 non ?


15/7 18:41

Non c’est pas ouf, la prochaine fois merci


15/7 18:44

Attn Yanis si Dji repond pas de ici 19h15 tu peux venir

Yanis automatically added to the match from the waiting list

DJi has been removed from the players


15/7 19:31

Salut tout le monde ça fait 2jour que je met je ne serais pas là et à chaque fois je reviens sur la feuille de match je trouve des notifications et mon nom qui ne c’est pas enlevé il doit y avoir un beug


15/7 19:31

Je me suis blessé il y a 2j je ne pourrais pas être présent


15/7 19:32

Je pe sai que ce ne beugué que pr moi que ça alle ce rectifier par la suite mais visiblement non


15/7 19:33

Si vs êtes pas suffisamment je peux quand même venir


15/7 19:35

@Yanis tu confirmes ta présence 20h30 ?


15/7 19:42

Ouii c'est bon il ma confirmé rdv a 20h15 a vern pas de retard stp


15/7 20:05

La résa à quelle nom ?


15/7 20:08



15/7 20:16

On va arriver pour 20h30 avec Kali

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

15/7 20:30

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!


15/7 20:33

Vous arrive quand 21h

Robot Assistant

15/7 22:00

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

Robot Assistant

16/7 20:00

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

Robot Assistant

16/7 20:00

Momo Was Chosen as The Man of The Match! Applause for him everybody!

To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.

This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 15 July at 20:30