Football on Saturday 29, June at 18:30

→ Organized by El-N RZK

Open football match
18:30 → 19:30
Driss Won't be there
Nivek Won't be there
kali Won't be there
Quentin Monnier Won't be there
Bibi Has been invited
Booba Has been invited
camilleduurandd Has been invited
Navaspresley7 Has been invited
Anki la machine Has been invited
Anrif Has been invited
Morgan Katarn Has been invited
Nolane Has been invited
Tarek Has been invited
Tosh Has been invited
NOUSSI Has been invited
RG Brasil Has been invited
Colins Has been invited
Anriif Has been invited
Reyes Has been invited
Mamadou War Has been invited
Aboubacar chahere Has been invited
SmKh35 Has been invited
Clem Reuss Has been invited
Gvel Has been invited
Amine Has been invited
Zlouiszz Has been invited

RZK Jr joined the match

Tonton Dédé joined the match

Yabbil joined the match

Robot Assistant

28/6 18:30

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

chim-rzk joined the match


28/6 22:04

Je peux essayer 15h30 ou 17h00 pas plus ? Je ne sais pas si ça changera quelque chose


29/6 00:04

Moi je finis à 18h


29/6 00:05

Je pourrais pas si vous changer

Tonton Dédé

29/6 08:45

Du coup c’est comment c’est toujours d’actualité ? Parce que je vois que y en a ils panique ici 😵‍💫


29/6 11:03

Bien si on trouve 5 joueurs avant 15-16h ça pourrait le faire mais ça va être compliqué …


29/6 15:53

Bon, j’annule, je vais créer un autre match demain si vous êtes disponibles…✌️

El-N RZK cancelled the match

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