Football on Friday 24, March at 19:00

→ Organized by Baptiste

Open football match
19:00 → 20:30


Manu (added by Baptiste )
Antho (added by Baptiste )
Xav (added by Baptiste )
Antoine (added by Baptiste )
Cousin (added by Baptiste )
Matthias (added by Baptiste )
Benoit (added by Baptiste )
Poto (added by Baptiste )
Matthieu Priou Won't be there
Dylann Won't be there
Sco Has been invited
Valpays Has been invited
Pierre c Has been invited
Dimitri M Has been invited
Kevinho Has been invited
Crédo Has been invited
Clem Reuss Has been invited
Amineho Has been invited
Litsimbi guenole Has been invited
Gaelinho Has been invited

Baptiste has blocked a spot for Manu

Baptiste has blocked a spot for Antho

Baptiste has blocked a spot for Xav

Baptiste has blocked a spot for Antoine

Baptiste has blocked a spot for Cousin

Baptiste has blocked a spot for Matthias

Dylann joined the match

Baptiste has blocked a spot for Benoit

Baptiste has blocked a spot for Poto

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


24/3 17:41

Désolé les gars je suis bloquer plus longtemps au travail je vais arriver trop en retard trop le seum

Dylann left the match

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 24 March at 19:00