Football on Monday 13, February at 19:15

→ Organized by Alan091126

Open football match
19:15 → 20:15


Tysmouche (added by Alan091126 )
Nolan (added by Alan091126 )
Abir (added by Alan091126 )
Morgan (added by Alan091126 )
Enzo (added by Alan091126 )
Anthony (added by Alan091126 )
Daniel (added by Alan091126 )
Antoine F Won't be there
Jocelyn Has been invited

Alan091126 has blocked a spot for Tysmouche

Alan091126 has blocked a spot for Nolan

Alan091126 has blocked a spot for Abir

Alan091126 has blocked a spot for Morgan

Alan091126 has blocked a spot for Enzo

Alan091126 has blocked a spot for Anthony

Alan091126 has blocked a spot for Daniel

Antoine F joined the match

Antoine F

13/2 13:57

Salut, complet ou il manque encore 1 joueur ? S'il en manque 1 j'ai quelqu'un qui peut venir


13/2 13:59

Je te compte parmis nous


13/2 14:00

Garde le sous le coude je te redis 1h30 avant


13/2 14:00

Car j'ai peut-ĂȘtre un pote

Antoine F

13/2 14:16


Antoine F left the match

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 13 February at 19:15