Football on Tuesday 17, January at 21:30

→ Organized by Driss

Open football match
21:30 → 22:30
Jocelyn Won't be there
Mounim Removed
AB Won't be there
loumi06 Won't be there
Poto Mounim 1 Removed
Poto Mounim 2 Removed
Jeremy Has been invited
Santi Has been invited
camilleduurandd Has been invited
Djodjo Has been invited
marcthibault Has been invited
Jeanmarie texier Has been invited
Chacha Has been invited
Alpha Barry Has been invited
RG14 Has been invited
Cascade Has been invited
Quentin Has been invited

Jocelyn joined the match

kali joined the match

HParis joined the match

Jocelyn left the match

loumi06 joined the match

Gvel joined the match


17/1 17:24

Salut les gars, essayons tous de motiver des potes autour de nous pour jouer ce soir. 🤞🏿

Brahimsansvić joined the match


17/1 17:59

J'attends 2/3 réponses de mon côté...


17/1 18:00


kali has blocked a spot for Mounim


17/1 19:09

Désolé pas dispo ce soir, une autre fois avec plaisir


17/1 19:17

Tout le monde est toujours disponible pour ce soir, que je ne cherche pas les 2 joueurs restants pour rien....??

loumi06 left the match


17/1 19:21

On est plus que 7. Les présents pouvez vous confirmer votre présence svp ?

kali has blocked a spot for Poto Mounim 1

kali has blocked a spot for Poto Mounim 2


17/1 19:44

Tjs dispo


17/1 19:47

Ok merci Brahim !
On est sûr 8, manque 2 joueurs !


17/1 19:47

On se motive les gars


17/1 20:17

Bon les gars, rien de votre côté ?


17/1 20:46

Ok on annule, bonne soirée

kali has removed the player Poto Mounim 1

kali has removed the player Mounim

kali has removed the player Poto Mounim 2


17/1 20:47

Merci aux 2 qui ont annulé à la dernière sans même une excuse. J’ai envie de vous insulter mais on va rester poli.


17/1 20:48

Merci kali c’est dommage, bonne soirée les gars


17/1 20:50

HP +1

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