Football on Tuesday 15, February at 20:00

→ Organized by Jean Lou

Open football match
20:00 → 21:00


Romano (added by Flo Roazhon)
Matthis (added by Flo Roazhon)
Loris (added by Flo Roazhon)
Arthur (added by Flo Roazhon)
Val Dub (added by Tanguy Lrx)
Marceau Removed
Jordane Won't be there
Antho35 Won't be there
Vinsyl45 Won't be there
El polo l'asticot Won't be there
Tanguy Removed
FabienB Won't be there
Vianney Won't be there
Marceau Levasseur Won't be there
Charles Won't be there
Edgar Won't be there
Loris Removed
Santi Won't be there
Dudu Has been invited
Jean Paul Groove Has been invited
Gaelinho Has been invited
Louss Has been invited
Colins Has been invited
Luciano Has been invited
Clem Reuss Has been invited
Alpha Barry Has been invited
Younès35 Has been invited
Martouf Has been invited
Evrard Has been invited
Britsch Has been invited
Tobias Has been invited
RG Brasil Has been invited
Rams Has been invited
Anderson Has been invited
Constant111 Has been invited

Eric Beg joined the match

Franck60 joined the match

Flo Roazhon joined the match

Flo Roazhon has blocked a spot for Marceau

Marceau Levasseur joined the match

Flo Roazhon has removed the player Marceau

Flo Roazhon has blocked a spot for Romano

Flo Roazhon has blocked a spot for Tanguy

Flo Roazhon has blocked a spot for Matthis

Tanguy Lrx joined the match

Flo Roazhon

14/2 17:32

Personne connaît du monde pour les deux dernières places ?

Flo Roazhon has removed the player Tanguy

Jean Lou

14/2 19:17

Pas pour l'instant, j'espère qu'on va trouver d'ici demain.

Flo Roazhon

14/2 19:21

On verra au pire c’est possible 4vs4 juste plus fatiguant

Marceau Levasseur left the match

Tanguy Lrx

14/2 19:30

Ça va se remplir demain tranquille

Jean Lou

15/2 12:46

Il faudrait au moins une personne de plus pour faire un 4vs4, après 15h j'annulerai malheureusement le match si on n'est pas plus...

Flo Roazhon

15/2 12:47

J’ai contacté toute ma liste Footinho j’ai personne qui accepte sûrement à cause du match de ce soir..

Flo Roazhon

15/2 12:48

Et à côté de ça j’ai plus personne mais j’attends des réponses encore

Flo Roazhon has blocked a spot for Loris

Flo Roazhon has blocked a spot for Loris

Flo Roazhon has removed the player Loris

Flo Roazhon has blocked a spot for Arthur

Flo Roazhon

15/2 16:04

Ça vous va un 4vs5 ou 4vs4 avec un joueur neutre

Jean Lou

15/2 16:14

Allez on y croit pour le dixième avant ce soir, dans tous les cas on se retrouve vers 19h50 sur place :)
On verra pour l'organisation des equipes si on est que 9.

Flo Roazhon

15/2 16:16

Okay nickel ! :)

Tanguy Lrx has blocked a spot for Val Dub

The match is full

Flo Roazhon

15/2 19:31

C’est quoi le nom de la réservation ?

Kick-off : match is starting

Flo Roazhon

15/2 20:04

Vous êtes où ?

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 15 February at 20:00