Football on Thursday 21, October at 21:00

→ Organized by Carlosinho

Open football match
21:00 → 22:00


Aure (added by Carlosinho)
Aurel (added by Carlosinho)
Naby (added by Carlosinho)
Viko Removed
Viko Removed
Kiki Removed
Poteaure Removed

Carlosinho has blocked a spot for Aure

Carlosinho has blocked a spot for Viko

Carlosinho has blocked a spot for Viko

Carlosinho has removed the player Viko

Carlosinho has blocked a spot for Kiki

Carlosinho has blocked a spot for Poteaure

Carlosinho has blocked a spot for Aurel

Carlosinho has removed the player Poteaure

Carlosinho has blocked a spot for Naby


20/10 12:56

hello, je m'inscrirais bien - 21h convient à tout le monde où vous seriez prêt à jouer un peu plus tôt ?


20/10 13:53

Pas d horaire dispo avant désolé

Casillas joined the match

Massin joined the match

Carlosinho has removed the player Viko

Carlosinho has removed the player Kiki


20/10 19:43

Si vous avez d’autres joueurs hésitez pas inviter vos potes
Il nous faut 4 joueurs
Si demain matin le compte n’ y est pas j’annule

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