Football on Wednesday 8, September at 20:15

→ Organized by Florent

Open football match
20:15 → 21:15


Simon (added by Florent)
Tristan (added by Florent)
Guillaume (added by Florent)
Pote de Guillaume (added by Florent)
Niavlys (added by Florent)
Sylvain B (added by Florent)
Benoît (added by Florent)
Alexis (added by Florent)

Florent has blocked a spot for Simon

Florent has blocked a spot for Tristan

Florent has blocked a spot for Guillaume

Florent has blocked a spot for Pote de Guillaume

Florent has blocked a spot for Niavlys

Florent has blocked a spot for Sylvain B

Florent has blocked a spot for Benoît

Florent has blocked a spot for Alexis


08/9 19:05

Bonjour, il manque 1 joueur ?


08/9 19:05

Oui, juste 1


08/9 19:09

Si quelqu’un peut me prendre gare sud et me ramener je suis chaud pour remplacer, j’ai pas de voiture ce soir


08/9 19:13

Pas sûr que ça puisse se faire car on prend souvent une bière après, donc à l'aller pas de problème, mais au retour ça risque d'être embêtant pour toi


08/9 19:22

La bière me dérange pas, mais comme vous voulez ;)


08/9 19:22

Ah ! Dans ce cas, je viens te chercher :)

Aldrin joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


08/9 19:29

Ok je t’es mp

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 8 September at 20:15