Football on Saturday 26, June at 17:30

→ Organized by Victorien

Open football match
17:30 → 18:30


Jerome (added by Victorien)
Pote à jerome (added by Victorien)
Rudy (added by Victorien)
Jeremy (added by Victorien)
Florian (added by Victorien)
Dorian (added by Nass)
Wal (added by Nass)
Max Removed
Gaelinho Won't be there

Gaelinho joined the match

Victorien has blocked a spot for Max

Victorien has blocked a spot for Jerome

Victorien has blocked a spot for Pote à jerome

Victorien has blocked a spot for Rudy

MaxLGD joined the match

Victorien has removed the player Max

Victorien has blocked a spot for Jeremy

Victorien has blocked a spot for Florian

Nass joined the match

Nass has blocked a spot for Dorian

The match is full

Gaelinho left the match

Nass has blocked a spot for Wal

The match is full

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Saturday 26 June at 17:30