Football on Tuesday 4, February at 19:30

→ Organized by El bufflo

Open football match
19:30 → 21:00


Ronan (added by El bufflo)
Fab (added by El bufflo)
Kevin (added by El bufflo)
Edouard (added by ElieLJ)
Alban (added by ElieLJ)
Anthonin (added by ElieLJ)
Benoit (added by ElieLJ)
Guirec Removed
Jocelyn Won't be there
mouss-35 Won't be there
CAŔDONÁ JR Won't be there

El bufflo has blocked a spot for Ronan

El bufflo has blocked a spot for Fab

El bufflo has blocked a spot for Kevin

El bufflo has blocked a spot for Guirec

ElieLJ joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

ElieLJ has blocked a spot for Edouard

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

ElieLJ has blocked a spot for Alban

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

ElieLJ has blocked a spot for Anthonin

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

ElieLJ has blocked a spot for Benoit

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Jocelyn joined the waiting list

mouss-35 joined the waiting list

El bufflo

02/2 14:18

Salut, le match est décalé à 19h30.


03/2 10:03

parfait, résa à quel nom?

El bufflo

03/2 10:05


El bufflo has removed the player Guirec

mouss-35 automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Jocelyn left the waiting list

mouss-35 left the match


04/2 14:51

Bonjour je suis chaud pour venir une personne peut me prendre sur Rennes ou pas svp

CAŔDONÁ JR joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

El bufflo

04/2 16:39

Salut Niobey, pas sur rennes pour ma part.


04/2 16:41

Je ne repasse pas dans rennes non plus


04/2 16:46

Pour te ramener il devrait y a voir du monde mais pas pour l'aller de notre côté, tu viens quand même? merci de confirmer rapidement


04/2 17:36

Ah mince

El bufflo

04/2 17:42

Du coup on compte sur toi ?


04/2 17:47

Je vais essayer de trouver quelqun

El bufflo

04/2 17:55

Ok, redis nous vite au cas ou tu peux pas venir que l'on puisse trouver un autre joueur


04/2 18:40

Trop tard pour annuler ou trouver un autre joueur. Tu viens sûr Niobey?


04/2 18:46

Jai annuler les mecs

CAŔDONÁ JR left the match


04/2 18:50

40min avant et depuis 15h tu bloques la place c est pas sérieux!

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

ElieLJ has been voted Man of the Match!

ElieLJ has been voted Man of the Match!

To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.

This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 4 February at 19:30