Football on Sunday 30, June at 17:50

→ Organized by Bilal

Open football match
17:50 → 18:50


Mohamed I (added by Bilal)
Youssef (added by Bilal)
El youssef (added by Bilal)
Nadir (added by Bilal)
Badis (added by Bilal)
Amine (added by Bilal)
Mohamed T (added by Bilal)
Ayoub (added by Bilal)

Waiting List

Karim Removed
Quento Won't be there
Divdiv1987 Won't be there
Arno Won't be there
Miro06 Won't be there
Rizoum Has been invited
Olyvyer Has been invited
ThomasR Has been invited
Bendahou badr Has been invited
Zaouuii Has been invited

Bilal has blocked a spot for Mohamed I

Bilal has blocked a spot for Youssef

Bilal has blocked a spot for El youssef

Bilal has blocked a spot for Nadir

Bilal has blocked a spot for Badis

Bilal has blocked a spot for Amine

Bilal has blocked a spot for Mohamed T

Bilal has blocked a spot for Karim

Mohamed joined the match

Hicham23 joined the match

Bilal has removed the player Karim

Nasré joined the match

Bilal has blocked a spot for Ayoub

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Hamza SAK joined the waiting list

Miro06 left the waiting list

The organizer has edited the lineups


30/6 09:52

Salem Les frères c’est à 18h soyez à l’heure svp

Issam joined the waiting list


30/6 17:48

Je serais là a 18h05

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

30/6 17:50

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!


30/6 17:53

Bonsoir les gars, j’aurai un petit peu de retard je suis en route 


30/6 17:55

Les gars j’envoie un message avant pour vous dire d’arriver à l’heure svp faut faire au mieux

The organizer has edited the lineups

Robot Assistant

30/6 18:50

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 30 June at 17:50