Football on Thursday 6, June at 18:20

→ Organized by Baz

Open football match
18:20 → 19:20


Sylvain (added by Baz)
Chris (added by Baz)
Denis (added by Baz)
Baptiste (added by Baz)
Alex (added by Baz)
Alexis (added by Baz)
Co (added by Baz)
Pote1 (added by Baz)
Pote2 (added by Baz)

Baz has blocked a spot for Sylvain

Baz has blocked a spot for Chris

Baz has blocked a spot for Denis

Baz has blocked a spot for Baptiste

Baz has blocked a spot for Alex

Baz has blocked a spot for Alexis

Baz has blocked a spot for Co

Baz has blocked a spot for Pote1

Baz has blocked a spot for Pote2

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Baz cancelled the match

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

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