Football on Sunday 11, June at 09:45

→ Organized by josinho

Open football match
09:45 → 12:00
DiegoDeLaVega Won't be there
ZIED_13 Won't be there
Mathias Won't be there
Kevblack Won't be there
Laredj Won't be there
Liaiss Won't be there
United31 Won't be there
Maxime C Won't be there
d.u.c Has been invited
Fabiencicuto Has been invited
GabrielPepe Has been invited
Johan1986 Has been invited
Yohann Has been invited
Abdellah17 Has been invited
Elmahgubi Has been invited
Matthieu Tuga Has been invited
FàroØk Has been invited
Céline B Has been invited
Achraf31 Has been invited
henryhill Has been invited

04/6 16:08

Salut José,
Je serais absent jusqu'à début juillet.
À bientôt


08/6 17:45

pas de soucis a cet été alors


09/6 12:48

Slt José, on joue contre qui.. ?


09/6 13:46

Salut thomas on est deja 10 inscrit sur ovs


09/6 14:02

N oubliez pas c es au stade cazal lapujade sur la route d albi derriere le lidl rue d avranche


09/6 16:43

Ok cool à dimanche


10/6 09:59

les gars on vous attends y a deja du monde on compte sur vous lol


10/6 10:14

Ok pour moi,
allez Thomas ça risque de mieux jouer que mercredi lol


10/6 11:02

En plus demain matin va faire frais d apres la meteo allez motivé!!


10/6 11:05

C'est bon pour moi ?


10/6 11:15

Impec :)

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 11 June at 09:45