Football on Monday 10, June at 21:30

→ Organized by BrunoHbk

Open football match
21:30 → 23:00


Luca por (added by BrunoHbk)
Garba (added by BrunoHbk)
Federico (added by BrunoHbk)
Stefano G Won't be there
RickBreeze Has been invited
Marco Trovato Has been invited
Mirco Vighini Has been invited
Sergiu Has been invited

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for Luca por

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for Garba

BrunoHbk has blocked a spot for Federico

Marius C joined the match

Marius C joined the match

Nicola D.B joined the match

Nicola D.B joined the match

Stefano G left the match

BrunoHbk cancelled the match

This match is canceled

This match is canceled

You can't join this match because it was canceled.