Football on Friday 6, January at 20:00

→ Organized by Pit83

Open football match
20:00 → 21:00
Ju de coco Won't be there
Leo Won't be there
Steve Curo Won't be there
Sashamnz83 Won't be there
Efix Won't be there
Guillerminho Has been invited
Pointu Gauche Has been invited
Yasser m Has been invited
Mael1 Has been invited
Thibautt Has been invited
Charles_lgrs Has been invited

Marnet joined the match

Anthony Roux joined the match

Toto_eldiablo joined the match

Leo joined the match

Steve Curo joined the match

JULIAN joined the match

Efix joined the match

Pit83 has blocked a spot for Nolan

Sashamnz83 joined the match

The match is full

Leo left the match

Ch’nicky joined the match

The match is full

Steve Curo left the match

Anthony joined the match

The match is full

Sashamnz83 left the match


05/1 11:31

Les mecs ils viennent et il partent sans aucune raison.

Efix left the match

Pit83 has blocked a spot for Titi


06/1 10:01

Bonjour je cherche un match pour ce soir est ce que je peux me joindre à vous?

Khaled joined the match

The match is full


06/1 12:40

Oui pas de soucis ducoup tu es bien compté pour ce soir
20h a garden soccer


06/1 12:52


Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 6 January at 20:00