Football on Friday 16, February at 21:00

→ Organized by Luc Randriamantseheno

Open football match
21:00 → 22:30


Romain (added by Luc Randriamantseheno )
Duf (added by Luc Randriamantseheno )
Erwann (added by Luc Randriamantseheno )
Jimmy (added by Luc Randriamantseheno )
Moha (added by Luc Randriamantseheno )
Afif (added by Luc Randriamantseheno )
Florian (added by Luc Randriamantseheno )
Arnaud Maitreau Has been invited
Romain G Has been invited
casper Has been invited
Boesme Has been invited
Perais Has been invited
Martin alline Has been invited
Kryzo Has been invited
LaVale Has been invited
Germinho Has been invited
LaPoire Has been invited
Xavier T Has been invited
TartineDePain.35 Has been invited
RestonsZen Has been invited
Pierre-Antoine Has been invited
monsieurpims Has been invited
Manu3545 Has been invited

16/2 09:29

Hello, bonne initiative ! Il y a des joueurs qui partent de Nantes ? Ça va faire trop loin sinon pour moi :/

Luc Randriamantseheno

16/2 11:24

Oui un ami peut passer te prendre à la gare ! :) Tu peux y être pour 20h15 ?


16/2 11:50

Yep on fait comme ça merci !

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 16 February at 21:00