Football on Sunday 16, June at 08:50

→ Organized by Flavor Flav

Open football match
08:50 → 11:00
Jeremy Maury Won't be there
Ait djaoud Won't be there
Rachid Bakir Won't be there
Isma19 Won't be there
Massi06 Won't be there
Francois Blanc Won't be there
Mohammed Laaroussi Won't be there
TAI SIR Won't be there
Foufete Won't be there
Laurent Benichou Won't be there
Brahms+1 Removed
Didier Has been invited
REÌCH Has been invited
Marco R Has been invited
Bokola Has been invited
Bellahouane Has been invited
Pierrick Has been invited
Mamad Has been invited

VianNEYMAR joined the match

Theo#1 joined the match

Theo#1 joined the match

VianNEYMAR joined the match

Rachid Bakir left the match

Laurent Benichou joined the match

Shaolin soccer joined the match

Shaolin soccer joined the match

Blaise Dvl joined the match

Blaise Dvl joined the match

Quentin joined the match

Quentin joined the match

Charles H joined the match

Flavor Flav left the match

TAI SIR joined the match

TAI SIR joined the match

Matthieu Cn joined the match

Matthieu Cn joined the match

TAI SIR left the match

Artyom joined the match

Artyom joined the match

Jbsrt joined the match

Jbsrt joined the match

JBRR44 joined the match

JBRR44 joined the match

Flavor Flav joined the match

Serot theo joined the match

Serot theo joined the match

Laurent Benichou left the match

Brahimel joined the match

Brahimel joined the match

Flavor Flav has blocked a spot for Mehdi

Flavor Flav has blocked a spot for Pote Mehdi

Flavor Flav has blocked a spot for JD

Brahms joined the match

Brahms joined the match

Brahms has blocked a spot for Brahms+1

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Collectif FA

15/6 16:20


Je suis à la recherche de nouveaux joueurs ⚽️ pour compléter l’effectif de nos 3 équipes de football à 7 pour la saison 2024/2025.

Nous participons au championnat FLA, notre club se nomme Collectif F.A. Je vous invite à consulter le site suivant :

Notre terrain à domicile se situe à La Courneuve, c’est 1 synthétique, idéal pour la pratique du football. Le coup d’envoi est à 20h ou 21h à domicile, Il y’a un arbitre officiel sur chacune de nos rencontres!

L’état d’esprit est un critère primordial 😊pour nous rejoindre, je vous invite à me contacter par téléphone au 0689260100 si vous souhaitez plus d’informations.


Le président du Collectif F.A.🏆

Flavor Flav

15/6 16:25

Merci pour votre message. Vous n’avez pas précisé l’âge pour votre team.
Nous sommes pour la plupart vétéran.
La Courneuve est un peu loin cependant nous pouvons organiser des rencontres cet été si vous pouvez vous déplacer.
Foot United
Le président

Brahms has removed the player Brahms+1

Flavor Flav has blocked a spot for Pote charles

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

16/6 08:50

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

16/6 11:00

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

Robot Assistant

17/6 09:00

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

Robot Assistant

17/6 09:00

Blaise Dvl Was Chosen as The Man of The Match! Applause for him everybody!

To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.

This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 16 June at 08:50