Football on Wednesday 12, March at 19:00

→ Organized by DENK

Open football match
19:00 → 20:00


Lucas (added by DENK)
Mathéo (added by DENK)
Thomas (added by DENK)
Flo (added by DENK)
Quentin (added by DENK)
Ali (added by DENK)
R-9 Won't be there
Ryan68 Won't be there
KONNAN Has been invited
Anwar Has been invited
Tilki Has been invited

DENK has blocked a spot for Lucas

DENK has blocked a spot for Mathéo

DENK has blocked a spot for Thomas

DENK has blocked a spot for Flo

DENK has blocked a spot for Quentin

Mohamad a joined the match


10/3 23:03

Merci Mohamad !

Mathieu Person joined the match

R-9 joined the match

R-9 left the match


11/3 07:54

Merci Mathieu !


11/3 08:55

Plus que 2 personnes, on cherche de notre côté, si vous en avez du vôtre, n’hésitez pas à le dire, j’ajouterai 😉

DENK has blocked a spot for Ali

Ryan68 joined the match

The match is full


11/3 10:46

Merci Ryan ! On est complet, c’est top

Ryan68 left the match


11/3 10:53

Milles excuses je suis pas sûr d’être à l’heure donc je préfère laisser ma place..


11/3 10:54

😢 ok
On a encore le temps, on va trouver

Corent joined the match

The match is full


11/3 11:42

Et voilà, nous n’aurons pas attendu longtemps, merci Corent(in) !


11/3 12:04

Avec plaisir 🫡

Mohamad a

11/3 20:09

Je t'en prie à demain

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This match is full

This match is full

Too late! No more spot available..