Football on Sunday 1, September at 12:00

→ Organized by Dhia

Open football match
12:00 → 13:30
Herve Won't be there
Driss Won't be there
Bassirou Removed
Mohamed Removed
Rémi Won't be there
Robin Removed
Axel Removed
clem_khlr Won't be there
Nass Won't be there
Osmanbhm Won't be there
Clem Won't be there
Zako17 Won't be there
Arnaud94 Has been invited
Adel.10 Has been invited
Madih Has been invited
Ilyesdjem Has been invited
Gvel Has been invited
Erwan56 Has been invited
HParis Has been invited
Gaëtan Has been invited
Djallil B Has been invited
Herv Has been invited
Diwan Has been invited
Uo Has been invited
Antoine F Has been invited
Pascal Has been invited
Dero Has been invited
Carlosinho Has been invited
Gurvanovitch Has been invited
Quentin Has been invited
Dumont Ludovic Has been invited
antoine Has been invited
Dhia Elhak Has been invited
Tarek Has been invited
Tounso Has been invited
OM Has been invited
Yass10 Has been invited
Jonas53940 Has been invited
Chrisdrisk76 Has been invited
David de gea Has been invited
Greg35 Has been invited
Desclos ludovic Has been invited
Arno Has been invited
DonBik Has been invited
Tosh Has been invited
Teddylc Has been invited
Anis Elarbi Has been invited
Tdynho Has been invited

Ahmed joined the match

GALAI joined the match

Osmanbhm joined the match

Osmanbhm has blocked a spot for Bassirou

Sami 24 joined the match

Osmanbhm has blocked a spot for Mohamed

clem_khlr joined the match

clem_khlr has blocked a spot for Robin

clem_khlr has blocked a spot for Axel

clem_khlr has removed the player Axel

clem_khlr has removed the player Robin

clem_khlr left the match

Robot Assistant

31/8 11:00

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?


31/8 11:29

Bonjiur, je viens de changer l'heure et le terrain

Yann joined the match

Yace tonton joined the match

Nass joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

PULGA joined the waiting list


31/8 15:35

Terrain 4 réservé au soccer rennais 12h


31/8 16:51

Salut les gars imprévu pour demain matin avec le taff ! Bon courage à tous

PULGA automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Nass left the match

Osmanbhm left the match

Osmanbhm has removed the player Bassirou

Osmanbhm has removed the player Mohamed


31/8 23:08

hello, on se motive les gars, il manque encore 3 joueurs est-ce que vous pouvez chercher chacun de son côté pour compléter la liste ?

Zako17 joined the match

Nelson35 joined the match

Akash Ganguly joined the match

Akash Ganguly joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Dhia has blocked a spot for Elhak Dhia

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


01/9 11:26

Tout le monde est good ?


01/9 11:27

Ok pour moi je suis en route

Akash Ganguly

01/9 11:29

Bonjour les gars. Je suis nouveau ici. Sur mon chemin maintenant. Quel est le prix par personne?


01/9 11:52

Moi je suis ok aussi


01/9 11:53

Le prix je peux c'est entre 5 et 12 euros


01/9 11:53



01/9 11:58

Je viens de demander je suis arrivé le prix c'est 6 euros par personne si on est 10

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

01/9 12:00

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

01/9 13:30

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 1 September at 12:00