Football on Wednesday 5, June at 21:00

→ Organized by AB

Open football match
21:00 → 22:30


Momo (added by AB)
pote momo (added by AB)
Yo boulic (added by marcthibault)
Pierre Alain (added by marcthibault)
Axel k (added by marcthibault)
Matthieu b (added by marcthibault)
Martin Primo Won't be there
Kévin lhop Won't be there
Yo boulic Removed
AB Won't be there
Simon_Mrin Won't be there
Flao Has been invited
mathieu b Has been invited
Hugo Coëff Has been invited
Julien W Has been invited
Stephen ODo Has been invited
Younes K Has been invited
PIERRE NKB Has been invited
Yo Boulic Has been invited
loumi06 Has been invited

AB has blocked a spot for Momo

Simon_Mrin joined the match

marcthibault joined the match

Souillard François joined the match

Robot Assistant

04/6 21:00

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

AB has blocked a spot for pote momo

marcthibault has blocked a spot for Yo boulic

marcthibault has blocked a spot for Yo boulic

marcthibault has removed the player Yo boulic

marcthibault has blocked a spot for Pierre Alain

marcthibault has blocked a spot for Axel k

Benjamain joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

AB left the match

Simon_Mrin left the match

Tarek joined the match


05/6 16:22

Yo la team, on sera 10 ?


05/6 16:25

Simon s'est desinscrit : il nous manque un 10e


05/6 16:47

Désolé plus dispo j'étais persuadé qu'on annulerait...


05/6 17:26

On fait quand même ?


05/6 17:30

On fait marcher les contacts
Le premier qui trouve à gagné
On se tient au courant


05/6 17:42



05/6 18:08

Venez on s’y rejoint on trouvera sûrement quelqu’un


05/6 19:15

On se dit jusqu'à 19h30
Si pas de 10e j'annule


05/6 19:15

J'ai confirmé à Momo et son pote qui viennent bien


05/6 19:18

On peut sûrement trouver un gars pour jouer là-bas si il faut moi jsuis chaud à jouer quand meme


05/6 19:36

OK on tente

marcthibault has blocked a spot for Matthieu b

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


05/6 19:57

Et matthieu qui font 10
Confirmé 21h


05/6 19:58

Carré quel nom la resa ?


05/6 19:59



05/6 20:08

Terrain 2

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

05/6 21:00

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

05/6 22:30

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 5 June at 21:00