Football on Wednesday 14, February at 19:30

→ Organized by ChadilyJR

Open football match
19:30 → 20:30
Massin Won't be there
Marceau Won't be there
Clecle35 Won't be there
Mzthis Removed
camilleduurandd Won't be there
VincentBizot Won't be there
Antipoff Has been invited
Gueda Has been invited
Rahoui Has been invited
David.fcbm Has been invited
Blin Has been invited
Alan Has been invited
Maxence12698 Has been invited
Tigermic35 Has been invited
Merlin Has been invited
Ericinho Has been invited
Fillo35 Has been invited
LoïcCc Has been invited
Charly007 Has been invited
Aurel Has been invited
Cascade Has been invited
Linley Has been invited
Hervé Has been invited
Yohann35 Has been invited
Loïc Ctx Has been invited
Maël Has been invited
Manu35 Has been invited
Mario_7 Has been invited
OumarMnta Has been invited
Boris Girard Has been invited
Ethan Grayo Has been invited

Quentin Monnier joined the match


10/2 16:21

Terrain réservé au nom de Poudi

ChadilyJR has blocked a spot for Junias

ChadilyJR has blocked a spot for Dorian

Banctel joined the match

Clecle35 joined the match

The organizer has edited the lineups

Hugo joined the match

Marceau joined the match

Marceau left the match

Clecle35 left the match


12/2 12:24

J’ai un imprévu désolé..

VincentBizot joined the match

Flo Roazhon joined the match

VincentBizot left the match

VincentBizot joined the match

camilleduurandd joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

camilleduurandd has blocked a spot for Mzthis

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


13/2 17:40

Modification de la réservation 19h30-20h30


13/2 17:42

Pouvez vous confirmer votre présence pour demain soir


13/2 22:36

Chadily / Dorian / junias / banctel

Flo Roazhon

13/2 22:37



13/2 22:40


Quentin Monnier

14/2 08:06


Flo Roazhon

14/2 15:22

Du coup quelles heures l’arrivé ?


14/2 16:07

10 minutes avant c’est bien

Flo Roazhon

14/2 16:08


Gvel joined the waiting list


14/2 17:08

Si désistement appeler moi


14/2 18:48

désistement après changement d’horaire les gars

Gvel automatically added to the match from the waiting list


14/2 18:49

c’était 19h a la base

camilleduurandd left the match

camilleduurandd has removed the player Mzthis

VincentBizot left the match

Flo Roazhon

14/2 18:54

Super 👍

Flo Roazhon

14/2 18:55

On fait comment du coup ?

Flo Roazhon

14/2 19:12

On joue quand même ?


14/2 19:12

On joue quand même on est déjà en chemin nous

Flo Roazhon

14/2 19:13

Je me grasse

Flo Roazhon

14/2 19:13

Trace alors

Flo Roazhon

14/2 19:13



14/2 19:17

4vs4 ça va le faire

Flo Roazhon

14/2 19:18

Oui c’est quoi le nom

Flo Roazhon

14/2 19:18

Pck je vais être en retard de 5min max


14/2 19:19

Poudi le nom du terrain

Flo Roazhon

14/2 19:22


Flo Roazhon

14/2 19:22

Je suis au niveau du BUrger King

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

14/2 19:30

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

14/2 20:30

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 14 February at 19:30