Football on Monday 27, November at 20:30

→ Organized by Willou

Open football match
20:30 → 22:00


Armand (added by Willou)
Baptou (added by Willou)
Pierre (added by Willou)
Thomas (added by Willou)
Stephane (added by Willou)
Dlh (added by Willou)
Kassim (added by Willou)
Antho (added by Willou)
Willou Removed
Stephane Removed
Nassim35 Won't be there
Alexis Louvel Won't be there

Willou has blocked a spot for Armand

Willou has blocked a spot for Baptou

Willou has removed the player Willou

Willou has blocked a spot for Pierre

Willou has blocked a spot for Thomas

Willou has blocked a spot for Stephane

Willou has removed the player Stephane

Willou has blocked a spot for Dlh

Willou has blocked a spot for Kassim

Willou has blocked a spot for Antho

Alexis Louvel joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Nassim35 joined the waiting list

Nassim35 left the waiting list


27/11 15:57

Resa au nom de Lesage, 20h30 :)


27/11 18:28

Au final c'est 21h

Alexis Louvel left the match

Willou cancelled the match

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

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