Football on Monday 20, November at 21:00

→ Organized by Badr karr

Open football match
21:00 → 22:00


Sly (added by Badr karr)
Jérôme (added by Badr karr)
Baf (added by Badr karr)
Antoine (added by Badr karr)
Guillaume (added by Badr karr)
Diego (added by Badr karr)
Guigui Removed

Badr karr has blocked a spot for Sly

Badr karr has blocked a spot for Jérôme

Badr karr has blocked a spot for Baf

Badr karr has blocked a spot for Antoine

Badr karr has blocked a spot for Guillaume

Badr karr has blocked a spot for Guigui

Badr karr has blocked a spot for Diego

Gvel joined the match

Robot Assistant

19/11 21:00

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

ChadilyJR left the match

Quentin Monnier joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Badr karr has removed the player Guigui

Badr karr

19/11 21:46

Bonsoir à vous tous . Le match c'est à 21h00 au soccer rennais . Terrain réservé au nom cafico ( Jérôme)
Voilà mon numéro en cas de besoin 0632637525

Billy joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Quentin Monnier

20/11 16:03

Tu m’as envoyé un message pour me dire que c’était annulé, c’est maintenu ou pas ducoup ?


20/11 20:06

Quelqu’un peux me recuper à la poterie ?


20/11 20:17

Y’a tjrs Soccer les gars ?

Quentin Monnier

20/11 20:43

Je suis pas de ce côté là désolé

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

20/11 21:00

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

20/11 22:00

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

Robot Assistant

21/11 21:00

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

Robot Assistant

21/11 21:00

Sly Was Chosen as The Man of The Match! Applause for him everybody!

To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.

This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 20 November at 21:00