Football on Thursday 18, May at 19:00

→ Organized by AlexTha

Open football match
19:00 → 20:00


Jc (added by AlexTha)
Christophe (added by AlexTha)
Charly (added by AlexTha)
Bastien (added by AlexTha)
Pierre (added by AlexTha)
Killian (added by AlexTha)
Pote Killian (added by AlexTha)
Bastien Removed
Pote Killian Removed

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Jc

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Christophe

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Charly

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Bastien

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Pierre

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Killian

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Pote Killian

AlexTha has removed the player Pote Killian

AlexTha has removed the player Bastien


17/5 21:13

On est 2 si disponibilité


17/5 21:16

Okay pas de souci, comme ça on sera 10 si vous venez à 2 joueurs


17/5 21:17

Je te laisse t’inscrire et c’est bon pour nous 👌


18/5 10:21

Du coup Vincent vous êtes toujours chauds pour venir à deux ce soir ?
Comme ça si c’est oui je bloque l’annonce 😉

Herve hue joined the match


18/5 12:59

Salut Hervé, bienvenue 👌

Herve hue

18/5 13:04

Hello merci !


18/5 13:14

Si jamais tu connais quelqu’un qui serait chaud pour venir jouer cet aprèm n’hésites pas 🙂

Maxime J joined the match

The match is full


18/5 13:43

Bienvenue Maxime 😉


18/5 13:44

La resa sera au nom de Tharaux, terrain 3

Maxime J

18/5 13:55

Super ! C'est bien 1h ?
Merci beaucoup à tout à l'heure


18/5 13:56

Oui c’est ça c’est 1h, de 19 à 20h

A tout’


18/5 15:15

Ya maxime 😱😱😱😱😱


18/5 15:16

Aka " le gaucher magic "

Maxime J

18/5 15:20

Tu joues toi ?😛

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 18 May at 19:00