Football on Thursday 11, May at 20:25

→ Organized by antoine

Open football match
20:25 → 21:55


Mbape (added by antoine )
Clem (added by antoine )
HP (added by kali )
Julien ( POUDI) (added by Gaëtan )
Junior Removed
Nass Won't be there
kali Won't be there
Kimos Won't be there
Kylian9 Has been invited

antoine has blocked a spot for Mbape

antoine has blocked a spot for Clem

Jeremy joined the match

kali joined the match

kali has blocked a spot for HP

Yanis joined the match

Nass joined the match

Gaëtan joined the match

kali has blocked a spot for Junior

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Linley joined the waiting list


09/5 19:23

Salut s'il y a un désistement, je serai dispo

Linley automatically added to the match from the waiting list

kali left the match

kali has removed the player Junior


11/5 05:47

Salut les gars je vais avoir du retard avec le taff je préfère m'enlever pour le moment car je pense pas pouvoir être là avant 21h :/ en espérant que vous trouverez mais je me fais pas de soucis !

Nass left the match


11/5 10:52

Merci d’ajouter un pote à moi : Julien

POUDI joined the match

kali left the match


11/5 11:02

Les gars, pourriez-vous svp ajouter Julien poudi svp ?
Merci d'avance et bon match !


11/5 11:16

Je me suis déjà ajouté


11/5 11:16

Mais je ne peux pas ajouter un pote à moi

Gaëtan has blocked a spot for Julien ( POUDI)

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Kimos joined the waiting list

Kimos left the waiting list


11/5 19:27

Rdv 20h 25 , au nom de bouthier


11/5 19:35

Ca marche !


11/5 19:49


Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 11 May at 20:25